Winners of the special awards pose after being proclaimed winners during the Casan Formal Ball at the Main Ballroom of Alabang Country Club last Friday, 3 March 2017. From L to R are Kent Caro and Danica Conti (Faces of the Year), Manuel Carlo Cabailo and Bianca Reyes (Mr, & Ms. Junior) Jeric Jacob Sorita (Mr. Science 2017), Stephen Sorita and Nicole Diamante (King and Queen of the Ball) Zia Villarente (Miss Science 2017) Johann Mabanto and Janielle Cullado (Mr. & Ms. Senior), Nathaniel Luiz Alsim and Reign Vales (Stars of the Night)

Entryway to the Alabang Country Club where the Casan Formal Ball was held last Friday, 3 March 2017.

Stephen Sorita and Nicoloe Diamante pose at the stairway of Alabang Country Club after being declared King and Queen of the Ball respectively.
Other winners were Kent Caro and Danica Conti (Faces of the Year) Nathaniel Luiz Alsim and Reign Vales (Stars of the Night) Manuel Carlo Cabailo and Bianca Reyes (Mr. & Ms. Junior) and Johann Mabanto and Janielle Cullado (Mr. & Ms. Senior). Sitting as judges for the special awards that night were Ms. Bhevs Rolda, Ms. Yoly Jakosalem and Mr. Richard Pustasa.
The ball started promptly at 6PM and lasted until 12 Midnight in peaceful and orderly ceremonies highlighted by a Discotillion performed by selected Junior and Senior students of Casa del Niño Science High School.
This year’s Casan Formal Ball was the first time it was held outside a hotel and though the experience was tedious for the organizers, it was well worth it as the venue was grand and the attending students enjoyed the evening so much .
(Some photos courtesy of Dhastine Mana-ay of Casan Plug)