by Jose Gabriel Escorial, 7-Kepler


A CASAN is a good title

And I will tell you why.

Don’t take it for granted in a while

Otherwise, soar high.


C is for Character

In everything you do.

Whether in the Alma Mater

Or a simple place for you.


A is for Academic Excellence

Do you perform well in class?

Do you have enough common sense

To make yourself last?


S is for Scientific Mind

Think logically, you should.

Don’t think blind

And think like a scientist would.


A is for Achievement

To achieve your goal.

Not only award attainment

But to make your life whole.


For a CASAN,

CASA is everything.

Take CASA away from CASAN,

You would be “N”, which stands for Nothing.


Do everything right

And make your future bright.

Hail to the red, the blue, and white

Resembling love, peace, and light.